Sunday, October 16, 2011

Nice Week

I have had a really nice week. It is fall time and beautiful outside, I have had a short break from school, and I also have spent lots of fun time with friends and family. Yesterday my brother and sister in law were in town to visit. Justin's parents had dinner and then a little birthday celebration for my brother in law, Erik, and I. Oh, here's an interesting factoid for you... my sister in law, Emily's birthday is on the 23rd, mine is on the 25th, and Erik's is on the 26th of October. Fun! Anyway, we had lots of fun playing Nerts and Mario Kart and catching up. 

My cousin, Darcy, had a purse party with family and friends last night. I just love my family. They are hilarious! 

On Friday, my friends Savanna, Mindy and I went to this "What Today's Women Want" expo at the Shilo. I love looking at crafts and jewelry. They had so many cool things there! Savanna got these nail stickers in a chevron print that were pretty much the cutest thing ever. They are this new thing called Jamberry and they have a ton of cute designs. Speaking of nail designs, I am working on a new blog post with all my nail designs I have painted over the last few months. Stay tuned!

My friend Jessi called me on Thursday to chat. She moved to Spokane a little while ago and I sure do miss her! She broke the news that my other BFF Lizzie got engaged that night!  So of course, I immediately called Lizzie. Lizzie answered the phone casually and I said congratulations. Then I said, "Wait, am I interrupting a date or anything?" She replied, "No. We are just watching Cops." Ha! What a thing to do on the night of your engagement! I am so excited for her and Clayton. I have known both of them for a long time and they are absolutely perfect for each other. I am so honored and humbled she has asked me to be her Maid of Honor and that I will be able to share a part in their big day. Cheers!

On top of all those fun things, we also took the time to snap a few pictures this weekend in the fall leaves. 

I love weekends! 

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